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Gentle Tips to Cope with the Loss of a Beloved to Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the world to face sudden loss on a scale like no other. Coping with the death of a loved one is hard as it is, but losing someone in the era of the coronavirus is something that is startling. Many deaths occur in hospitals and places where loved ones cannot be present at the time of death. Due to restrictions that governments enforce to control the spread of the virus, the anxiety and grief felt by people are exacerbated. The sadness of those left behind is ten-fold more than normal. It may help to be close to a particularly dear person at the time of Covid-19.

Following are some tips to help you cope with death during pandemic times that may see you, or someone you care about, through the crisis.

Talking Helps

Even if you are specifically close to a friend or a relative, moving close by may not be possible. Again, due to restrictions on movement, including flight bans, you may be compelled to physically distance yourself. Experts like Dr. M. Katherine Shear at Columbia University's School of Social Work, advise that grieving people should talk. While in a state of emotional pain, being heard helps immensely. Although this may not be physically possible, video chatting is an option. While talking, connecting with another human (so important at this time) alleviates bottled-up grief.

Showing Empathy

Most people during the time of the pandemic have thought about death at some time or another. Since the virus looms large, be it on social media, or print media, there's no getting away from it. Although you may be able to be physically close to a loved one, there's no telling how life may pan out. You may find that a way to cope with grief, should you be unfortunate to experience it, is to show empathy to other loved ones needing similar support. In turn, when you speak out your feelings, they will be there to soothe you.

Valid Feelings

Feeling extreme grief is a natural response to loss, and in these unprecedented circumstances, its normal to feel tremendously overwhelmed. The response to loss differs from person to person, but feelings of grief need no excuse. Additionally, everyone understands the sensitivity of the current time. The deceased cannot be honored in appropriate ways due to restrictive rules and social distancing. This may increase the burden of grief, but reaching out to care groups and others helps.


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